Trains from London to Newport

The train from London Paddington to Newport in South Wales takes just over 1 ½ hours. It’s the quickest, easiest and most relaxing way to make this journey, helping you avoid the misery of being stuck in motorway traffic.

Enjoy our free on-board Wi-Fi, allowing you to catch up with work and stay in touch with your friends and family on social media. Book your tickets online today, or on our app, with no booking fees.

One of the largest towns in Wales, Newport sits on the banks of the River Usk estuary. It has a rich, colourful history. Expanded from the Roman settlement of Caerleon, it’s been a busy port since the 1300s, and still handles around £1 billion in trade annually. There’re lots of things to do in Newport.

Why not book your train ticket to visit with us today? With many offers and savings including club 50 and Off-peak ticket options, making the journey has never been easier.

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